Asked as the most common question of young married women – Why am I not getting pregnant? It indicates the interest women have welcome motherhood into their life. It appears that they are not in a hurry, but their desire and happiness in getting excited to have their baby. Truly it’s a great and wonderful experience. Did you know apart from being healthy, your overall personality well-being also plays a vital role and that is to say you should live in a cheerful atmosphere. Newly married couple having their first child in their marriage are a welcome couple everywhere they go, meet relatives, family, friends and traveling to different places of recreation, it sends positive healthy signs and gives you a better scope to start having a start of life together. Including foods boost fertility naturally such as fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts, grains, seeds and good lifestyle can contribute to early pregnancy.
Now let’s discuss what are the possible medical reasons for not getting pregnant in the early days of marriage.
This is one area where women may experience a little discomfort, but there is no other option. There may not be a lot of people who ask you that question, but only a few may ask you – or sometimes you put that question to yourself – why am I not getting pregnant. You have to go through it. Whoever poses this question – you got to handle it properly, smoothly and in a smiling manner and that is how you have to take it. Because, after all, you know you are going to be definitely successful in having your first or second or third pregnancy. It’s just that you have to wait for the time and allow it to arrive as a good news.
Medical Reasons
Are there any medical reasons associated with not getting pregnant? Yes, sometimes. These reasons, you get to know with a series of medical tests. To explain briefly, these can include ovulation irregularities, minor structural issues in reproductive system, low sperm count among men or any other underlying health issue.
The issue of infertility can indicate some signs of irregular periods or menstrual cramps or sometimes, you never know what is the cause unless with a procedural medical test. Sometimes, infertility among males rarely shows any symptoms.
You may have been trying for pregnancy for a period of six months or more. A positive fact is – 80% of couples conceive after six months and approximately 90% will be pregnant after 12 months of trying to get pregnant.
When your age is 35+ or older
When to consult a doctor? Men and women in the age group of 35+ or older, married for an year or more who have been trying to start a family can consult a doctor. Those who are younger than 35 years can also consult a doctor, if you experience symptoms of fertility problems. There are best fertility treatments for coupleswith best IVF hospitals and clinics.
The issue of (PCOS) Poly-cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
For human conception, it requires an egg and a sperm. If you’re not ovulating, you won’t get pregnant. Not ovulating is a common cause of female infertility and it can indicate many conditions. Other causes include underweight, insufficient ovary and excessive exercise. Many women also experience ovulation problems with irregular periods and it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Other Causes
Sometimes problems may not be with women, but with men. 20-30% of infertile couples find fertility factors with men and another 40% find fertility factors on both sides. Male infertility does not show any significant symptoms that are quite visible unless with medical diagnosis.
Dr.Padmaja Fertility (IVF) Centers one of the best fertility treatments for couples with best IVF treatment available. IVF hospitals and clinics also deal with age-related infertility issues, especially for women above the age of 35, and men after 40, who take longer time to get pregnant. Age has an impact on egg quality as well the quantity. If your partner is five or more years older than you are, it further increases the risk of fertility issues after the age of 35.